Our flight to Zambia took 2 days to complete. OUr first day there we were greeted by the children of Needs Day Care Center and was able to interview Chaplain Esther, the principal of the school
Interview of Clinicians at Chainama Mental health Hospital (31:26)
We had an opportunity to gain an understanding of the mental health issues from the viewpoint of clinicians. Zambia has a population of 15 million with only one mental health hospital and 8 psychiatrists for the entire country.
Testimonials from clinicians attending the first ever Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) in Zambia (18:07)
Sorry for such late notice, but we have been given an opportunity to present our vision again with the students and faculty at San Diego Christian College this Thursday at 6:30PM! Dr. Snyder, a professor at SDCC, shared a little about what we are doing with some people there, and they expressed great interest! Some of the students in the music and performing arts are already committed to go. Others that expressed interest were psychologists who could do mental health training and some that are feeling led but don't know exactly how they might fit in with the ministry opportunities.
This could be a HUGE opportunity for the Zambian people to receive many different kinds of assistance, and for the team going to experience God in fresh ways. Please pray for their hearts to be opened and for God to give them clear callings in their lives! This meeting will be a great way for you to share your team’s vision and plans for the Zambia trip in May.
If you would like to attend, the...
Hello donors and prayer partners!
Benjamin Samusiko has completed his Celebrate Recovery training in the US and will be flying back in just about 1 hour. It has been a joy to have him with us and many have been moved by the Lord to join him with his vision to bring this Christ centered healing transformation to Zambia. Celebrate Recovery programs have been developed for those with hurts, hangups and habits. We can all benefit from this amazing program that is in over 30,000 locations and 125 countries and has grown tremendously in the past 25 years since its inception.
We currently have 4 churches in San Diego and one in Yakima, Washington (Thanks Mom!) that have committed to sending team members to Zambia in May 2017.
I also have had a significant response from other professors I work with at San Diego Christian College who would like to join us and also encourage their students to join in giving their time and knowledge in various settings where I was working including orphanages,...
August 23, 2016
Dear Donors,
Thank you for your kind donation that made it possible for me to travel from Zambia to the USA. Your generous support will greatly impact my country as we will soon establish Celebrate Recovery meeting places in our communities. These Christ focused groups will help people who are experiencing hurts, hang ups and habits-it can help all of us! Specifically, we will begin to address the rise in alcohol abuse and other drugs which have been major contributors to domestic violence, road traffic, poverty, the rise in HIV and sexually transmitted infections. We hope to see the benefit of healthier families and more children going to school in the near future.
I want to assure you that despite the urgency in starting Celebrating Recovery in Zambia, I will not comprise the quality and effectiveness of Celebrate Recovery. I have acquired the needed experience and knowledge on Celebrate Recovery through the three-day summit at Saddleback Church from the August...
Recently received an email that was a great synopsis of our vision casting this past week. Thought I'd pass it on.....
On Aug 23, 2016, at 7:56 PM,
This vision casting meeting took place at Journey Community Church, 8363 Center Dr., La Mesa, CA on August 20, 2016 6:30 to 8:30 pm.
Benjamin is currently working as a psychologist at Chainama Hills Hospital College which is the only psychiatric facility in Zambia. He is also a 2nd year student for a BA in psychology at Rusangu University in Lusaka, Zambia (his home town).
Alcoholism is the number one diagnosis for men seeking help at Chainama Hills Hospital. 741 people were admitted to emergency treatment in 2015 for alcohol abuse, were treated, and sent back home. The statistics say that half of those will die of alcohol poisoning during their attempts at withdrawal. 948 people were admitted for alcohol issues and given longer-term treatment in 2015. Alcohol abuse is very high in Zambia with 1 in 5 being alcoholic. (US is 1 in 9)....
Please join us for a vision casting event being held this Saturday, August 20th from 6:30PM-8:30PM at Journey Community Church. We will be sharing our vision of launching the first Celebrate Recovery program in Zambia, Suicide Intervention Training!
I’ve included a YouTube link to a short video with a message from us to give you a glimpse into what God is doing in Zambia and how you can join us in this movement. Be blessed and we will see you there!
National Center Chaplain Development has been asked by Trinity Chaplain College in Lusaka Zambia to assist them with the training and development of chaplains within the healthcare, mental health, schools and military sectors as well as local churches and pastors.
In addition, there is a huge need for a focus on the reduction of suicide and alcoholism. We have therefore asked our sister ministry, Armed Forces Mission to participate with us to achieve this goal.
The Zambia Outreach will provide training opportunities for the nation's military chaplains, local ministers and churches and medical personnel to combat the high rate of suicide. Our advanced team will consist of physicians, mental health and chaplains and are hoping to go September 22 through October 6 dependent on funding.
This trip will be for a basic in-country assessment, suicide prevention & intervention training, the preliminary establishment of Celebrate Recovery and training of chaplains while we are...
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