Will you please consider helping us to return to Zambia in 2018 to once again provide Suicide Intervention, Chaplaincy, Substance and Gender Based Violence Training? This is a country of 15 million people with only one mental health facility in the country in Lusaka with 8 clinicians of which we have trained 6 of the 8 on our last visit. The clinicians have now been disbursed through the country and we will need to go to multiple locations.
On our last trip we co-launched Celebrate Recovery with local individuals which now has positioned ten (10) churches that will become part of a delivery infrastructure of services into the Community in coordination with the Ministry of Health. We are also working with the military as well as the office of the President.
You can visit our blog posts on Zambia to find out more about our last trip and to view interviews of the clinicians at
Chainama Hospital Testimonials
Cathedral of Praise Testimonials
Please consider donating towards our goal by clicking here:
RKM Crisis Team dba NCCD a 501(c)3
California Corporation EIN:01-0592271
Lastly, if you are a LivingWorks trainer and have extra ASIST A11 materials that you can donate, please PM me for mailing address.
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