Zambia outreach featured in LivingWorks Annual Report 2016

asist nccd safetalk zambia Jun 26, 2017

Just got a surprise! The LivingWorks International Trainer Conference just completed in Atlanta Georgia where my good friend and fellow Trainer, John Avery, retired Sergeant Salinas Police Department was in attendance. John was part of our team that brought safeTALK and Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) to the nation of Zambia for the first time.

Zambia is a country of 15 million and has only one mental health facility (Chainama Hospital) in Lusaka at which (at the time) were 8 mental health professionals for the country. We had six out of the eight in our class.  I have been informed by our contact, Benjamin Samusiko that a number of these clinicians are now disbursed throughout the country.

LivingWorks included our outreach to Zambia in their Annual Report for 2016. You can download the report below and check out page 45! Thanks for sending to us John.

 Download Complete LivingWorks 2016 Annual Report

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Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training Testimonials Chainama Hospital Zambia

asist testimonials zambia Nov 15, 2016

Testimonials from clinicians attending the first ever Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) in Zambia (18:07)

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Interview of Clinicians at Chainama Hospital

Interview of Clinicians at Chainama Mental health Hospital (31:26)

We had an opportunity to gain an understanding of the mental health issues from the viewpoint of clinicians. Zambia has a population of 15 million with only one mental health hospital and 8 psychiatrists for the entire country.

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